Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Love this story, Stephanie. What an amazing discovery and process. I am all for “woo woo lite!”

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Shelly! Haha, love that you're in the camp of woo woo lite. It's a fun place to be. Lots of stuff to be curious about.

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Oh yes, from a young age my mom taught me about manifesting and "giving it up to the Universe." My favorite hangouts in high school were crystal shops and psychic fairs (definitely a story for an upcoming newsletter.) My son also loves visiting "rock shops" and letting the crystals "speak to him." I have never heard of cord cutting but the whole time I was reading I was like, "Yep, yep, that makes sense. I can see that..." :)

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I grew up catholic and jesus was my #1 witch. haha. Now that I don't subscribe to the church, I do like the mystical so much more. It reminds me that our minds are so much more powerful than I originally thought. My kids LOVE rock shops and they have so many crystals by their bedside for healing and creativity nd helping them sleep. You should look into the cord cutting thing! I also didn't mention that I like calling it pulling because sometimes if you cut something, there's still the root left behind. If you pull the sucker out, that bugger is OUT.

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Jesus is my #1 Witch needs to be on t-shirts, mugs, mousepads, etc! I’ll buy it all!!

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omg bahahahahahah i didn't realize how gold this is until you pointed it out. LET'S GET MERCH!!!

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Apr 13Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Oo, now this is interesting and my dad very similar to yours, though not seems he died much later in my life than yours (only 2 years ago) an d much as I did a lot of work in my 40s I think I’m still stuck with my anger at him. I don’t think I was angry with my kids because of it, but certainly life and blooming politics and shady politicians. I might need to do more work, but it’s hard and I don’t want too. *stamps foot.

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I read this comment a few days ago and I'm so glad I sat on it because it brought up a lot of feelings for me. I asked myself, what would have life been like if my dad was still around? It made me cringe and feel very interesting things in my body. I couldn't help but think if he was still around I'd have to deal with my own anger and his own continuing anger consistently and I'm glad that has been gone for most of my adult life. Ha, you can do the work only if you want to! I appreciate how you live life on your own terms, no apologies. Keep it up!

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Apr 13Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

#1- I bask in the light of the woo. Bring it, I say. ✨🙃

#2- I’m not sure I can put into words how much this piece truly helped me. Thank you, Stephanie.

I regularly (once a month) visit a reiki healer. The days after I get off her table, I just feel energetically cleaner. If that makes any sense. It works. I’m convinced. And it’s consistently my 2nd and 5th chakras that need clearing. Keep visiting Sue 🫶

#3 - just yesterday my daughter (10) through heavy gasping tears asked me why she has such anger issues with her friends. She unfurled about all her worries she was bottling up as to navigating tween angst. I felt like I couldn’t quite find the right words to let her know not to be scared of her anger. That it is trying to teach her something. Now I can go back and revisit the convo - and tell her maybe it’s just a bunch of tiny rages that built up. That seems less scary.

I do believe the imprints of our caregivers stay in us for decades.

I just love how you express your life experiences in your writing Stephanie. This one really landed with me 💕✨🫶

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1. Haha I am loving all the woo! And loving how much others are into the woo!

2. When people ask me if I really believe the woo and that the crystals did anything? I tell them does it matter? If I feel better when I leave, if I found something that helped me view something differently, who cares.

3. This one really got to me. I feel for you and your daughter! Who knows, maybe she is walking around with tiny rage! It was so enlightening to notice it. Just noticing was healing. Obviously I have work to do still but awareness is a powerful pill.

I hope you and your daughter find some ways to figure out that anger! I do love the idea of channeling it. Seems like something more attainable than shoving it away, which I realize just marinated it so it’ll show up big and juicy later.

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Awareness is a power pill. Totally!

And to the woo haters - let them hate! Like you say, if you leave feeling better - it’s working.

Thanks you your words 🙏🏼

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loved this, very relatable and interesting to hear about what worked for you!

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Thank you, Michelle! It’s nice to hear from you!

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Fascinating story- I could use something like this! Keep us posted on progress with the next session. ☺️ happy the session worked for you!

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I’m beginning to think a lot of us need something like this! I’ve had many parents reach out directly to me and tell me they deal with anger a lot as they parent. It’s not shocking but it’s a good reminder.

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

It's glorious to see you get out there and confront all the demons that haunt you. We can all probably "unplug" several somethings!

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Yes, Dona! I bet everyone has at least one plug they need to pull out sometime in their lives.

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Thank you so much for sharing this Stephanie! I struggle with rage/anger with my daughter. Your article and authentic share helps me remember I’m not alone in this! I’m working on walking away when I get angry, doing more yoga, and reflection. It’s a journey for sure!

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Isn't it funny, we see each other interact with our kids in front of each other but we don't realize we all have our ugly parts with our kids that others don't see. When you said that you get angry too, I was like, you tooooooo!? Of course! But when we lash out and feel the remorse from it, it's such an isolated feeling. I need to WALK away, wow. It's such an easy concept but I need to build the skills to actually just do it when I'm in the moment.

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Wow. I shared this to a few people I know. Your journey to discovery and addressing the issues is inspiring.

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Thank you for taking the time to comment and share this with me. And that you shared it?! WHAT! I write what's true for me and try to be as authentic as I can when I process it all and put it into words. I don't know for sure if someone else feels this way but I have a feeling others do. So I write what I experience and maybe it'll speak to someone else too. If they couldn't express it and wanted to, maybe I helped them process what's inside.

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Hi Stephanie, as someone with grown kids, I can relate to this. I don’t know if mine ever went away. I just try to be aware when I start to feel my tension rise. Sometimes I do lose it. It’s not yelling for me, but words can be strong without yelling. Ya just keep working on it!

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Hi Laura! I am also coming to terms with the fact that this will always be with me. Maybe I pulled a large root out but weeds always tend to come back. Perhaps this work is me building the habit and skills to manage the garden more. The garden of anger!!! The plants are spiky yet beautiful, like succulents! :)

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Really enjoyed this Stephanie - the part about maybe it's not mum rage, it's your childhood catching up with you, god I felt that. The cord cutting sounds really interesting, makes sense to me - some of the processes sounded similar to a Kiniesology session I had once, like the muscle testing and chakras. I had an Emotion and Body Code session once, that was very woo woo but it worked!

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I remember starting to read about mom rage and when I was going through everyone's experiences, it felt like mine but not exactly and I think it's just my inner anger that's been brewing since I was a kid. I just didn't know it was there until I had kids of my own!

Tell me more about the kinesiology session, and the emotion and body code! Was this to help with your emotional issues? The muscle testing was funny to me, I was wondering, is she faking this?! Ha!

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Yes that's it, you've summed it up so well Stephanie - that inner anger that you weren't allowed to express as a kid, and now it's all coming back around now you are a mum. I get triggered by my daughter especially and I wonder if it's because she's so confident and free with her emotions, as in she is allowed to express them, and there's that part of me that subconsciously gets angry because I had to stuff allow my emotions down as a kid. Yes so the emotion code healing was when my Dad passed away and the Kiniesology was when I had post natal anxiety. Here's the info for the emotion code healing - it is done remotely and you don't have to be present, even more woo woo but very accurate:


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I bet that is exactly why you get triggered! You created an environment for her to be able to do the things you didn't get to do as a kid yet it's triggering to see the positive result! How twisted is that?! Thank you for sharing the link, everything I read on it so far sounds right up my alley!

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

It's crazy isn't it! Let me know if you try it out, I only had one session but definitely felt like a weight had been lifted after I did it.

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Apr 12Liked by Stephanie Jucar Cooley

Can relate. Imma return to this essay when I’m not juggling a morning with my kids and think about it a little more.

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Make sure when you're juggling that morning you don't explode on your kids, like I describe in this post :)

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