Inspiring, honestly.

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Hi Stephanie, Being a paranoid parent - I have been there and am learning from my mistakes - oops. Discomfort is a good way to learn. I'm going through this as I launch my next writing project on Substack - my Becoming a Feather series, which is about healing. Sounds like we are taking opposite approaches!

I have enjoyed reading your work and your kind, supportive messages, but understand the weight of what it all involves. It's great that you are taking a well-deserved pause. (I have gone incognito before, and it works wonders.) I'd love to hear how it goes, if and when you are ready. In the meantime, have a wonderful summer.

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This parenting advice is so, ahem, sticky, that it’s going to live in my brain permanently. Stephanie, this is the kind of writing that someone mentions years from now because the image was so viscerally honest. The kind of writing people mention to their friends. You may or may not ever see accolades or likes that reflect its impact, but I can nearly guarantee everyone who reads it will repeat it. I know I will be.

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All good wishes as you take this break.

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Keep shedding. Sometimes summertime is when we shed our whole coat. Whatever you need Stephanie. 🫶We’ll be here when you feel it’s time to step back in.

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Love this. Sometimes we need to put down the pen and just be out in the world for field research. And just so you know, I am always here to check the proverbial itchy butt crack of your emotional state!! Our JT retreat will be the wet wipe to all anxiety and depression!! (I AM SO SORRY. YOU STARTED THIS.)

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Congrats on the detox, and may it allow for more FORK YES's for you! 💗

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Celebrating each and every NO you have the courage to say; each one is a yes to YOU and your needs. Loving you and here for the journey.

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Always enjoy reading your blog mama. Happy you’re listening to mind, body & spirit to make the best choices that suit you, it’s hard! To new beginnings!

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